Black Molly Water Temperature
Ideal water temperatures of black mollies.
Black molly water temperature. If cared for properly black mollies will live for up to five years. The water temperature should be between 78 to 82 degrees fahrenheit. These fish have an average lifespan of about five years and typically get to be large around 4 inches. Young ones mature at four months after which they are ready for mating.
Water temperature 25 27 c ph. The black molly species is a hybrid a cross between the sailfin molly and the short finned molly. Mollies are tropical fish so that means you need an aquarium heater. 5 inches 20 cm the black molly poecilia sphenops is small live bearer fish that ranks among the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby.
It s probably the hardiest of all the mollies but good water quality is still essential. If kept in a community aquarium you should choose size appropriate tank mates that share the same personality traits as the black molly. When you buy a heater figure on needing 5 watts per 1 gallon of water in which your aquarium size is. 7 0 8 0 water hardness 20 30 dgh.
The salt probably will not hurt the platies but it s not ideal. Black molly fish lifespan. While black mollies will survive in a variety of water conditions they are best kept in freshwater conditions. Mollies and platies can be kept in the same temperature range 75 to 78 but mollies like somewhat brackish water.
Check with your dealer before altering the salinity of a community tank. 6 5 8 and moderately hard to very hard short finned molly 7 5 8 2 and hard to very hard sailfin molly temperature. 72 82 f 25 28 c maximum size. 10 gallon short finned molly 20 gallon sailfin molly care level.
Mollies are a tropical fish and will typically require a heater as they need their water to be kept at stable temperatures between the range of 78 and 82 degrees fahrenheit. Sporting black colored scales the common black molly is a typically peaceful fish that does well in a community aquarium if it s offered enough space and a planted aquarium. However the following parameters are recommended. 7 0 8 5 ph and hard water temperature.
It does best when a teaspoon of salt is added for each gallon of water but not all other fish can tolerate this much salt. The recommendation is one teaspoon per five gallons. We should also mention that molly can live in brackish water as well and in some resources they even recommend to put some salt into the tank water intentionally.