Biohome Ultimate Media Reviews

I have been testing biohome ultimate filter media for a few months now in the sump of my custom discus display aquarium.
Biohome ultimate media reviews. The biohome ultimate is perfect for external filters of all sizes 1kg approx. I have used ceramic media biohome ultra mini and ultimate lava rocks etc and had no biological issues. 1 2 cubic litres the massive surface area means that this media is suitable for overhead filters trickle towers bakki showers external filters and can be used used in existing aquarium filters in place of old media to improve biological action and efficiency. Within a week or two of this review the 306 will be replaced by a 406 on the 65 gallon and the plan is to transfer the media over and add the remaining biohome from our order with any left over amount eventually replacing the remaining biomax media at which point we will then be 100 biohome ultimate.
Check out the results. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Biohome ultimate is essentially the mini ultra with added trace elements to increase bacteria performance and has a porosity of approx. Some media biogravel is available pre bagged in mesh bags below but extra mesh bags can be found on the foams bags.
Then i thought to myself sponges have alot if surface area for bacteria. You can check out the extreme porosity of the ultimate yourself by touching just the tip of a piece media to the surface of some water. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Biogravel biogravel marine small internal small external diy ornament filter under gravel biorbs.
The biohome mini ultra and ultimate were made specifically for external filters although the media can obviously be used in other types of filters and i wanted it to have a specific structure which would support aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria within the same media just like the other forms of biohome but in a stick size which would have more applications for different types of. To me seachem matrix cant hold a candle to biohome ultimate ive using biohome for 4yrs and just recently ordered 2kilos since i found a supplier in the us to give you an example at one point i had 25 fish in my 10g fry breeder tank with bio and my perrameters stayed excellent for 2 3 monthes nitrates stayed 5 10ppm the pond guru rocks people use this media with their 1000. You ll be amazed at how fast the water is drawn up the entire length. Honestly i wish i never wasted my money on advertised media because the scrubbers do the exact same thing.
So i took all the media out and put scrubbers and sponges.