Bdo Pen Capotia Ring Quest

Ap 30 accuracy 20.
Bdo pen capotia ring quest. Rent gear with contribution points. Ap 13 accuracy 11 dp 2. It s the best unenhanced ap accessory set currently in bdo. If you start to do the dailies now you can complete them after the event is over and still get to choose between a pen capotia ring and a pen capotia earring.
What are yona s fragments. Even unenhanced it rivals blue pri enhanced accessories like the popular i pri. The bdo season server says that after the final daily quest you are able to select either a pen v capotia earring or a pen v capotia ring assuming i m a new character who doesn t have end game accessories which would be a better pick that would synergize the best as i replace the rest of my gear to end game. Perilla s star has the following effects.
If you were unable to receive a pen v capotia accessory from the summer season you can choose between a pen v capotia accessory or a perilla s star. Ap 13 accuracy 12 dp 3. Here is a guide that would inform you of what yona s fragments are what they are used for how and where to obtain them. Ap 15 accuracy 10.
After completing all 40 days of fughar s quests you can accept the quest season fughar s gift from fughar and complete it to choose between either a pen v capotia earring or ring. Ap 13 accuracy 10 dp 1. Ap 13 accuracy 12 dp 4. The ring is equivalent to a tet crescent ring and the earring is equivalent to a tet narc earring without the extra damage against kamasylvia monsters but with 2 more accuracy.
Ap 14 accuracy 9. Ap 14 accuracy 8. Effects of capotia earring. Ap 15 accuracy 9.
Tuvala gear is a good next step after naru gear but is only obtainable by season characters on season servers. Yona s fragments are old fragments that you can find in the deserts of valencia. You can use beginner quest and naru gear until you obtain enough wealth to begin work on other gear. However if you have already received the pen capotia accessory then you are only able to select the perilla s star as your reward.
Blue coral earring the asula set of 6 accessories gives a total of 45 ap and 7 dp. The season fughar s gift quest will be added during the maintenance on august 5 the same day early graduation begins. Finally once you complete the final quest you will receive advice of valks 100 from fughar after the season server ends and also be able to select either a pen v capotia earring or a pen v capotia ring. Press o key then main tab to view your progress and see your quest rewards.
Naru gear can be obtained from completing the main quest line in serendia. Effects of capotia ring. The black desert online asula set helps players who are reaching level 51 and are able to venture safely into mediah with a recommended 75ap 110dp. We advise you to go see fughar every day.
Ap 13 accuracy 8. This is the dream day enhancing video for black desert online.